If there’s one pest that deserves the “Most Hated Pest” award, it would be the cockroach. The main reason being that it is very difficult to get rid of. Oh, and it does a pretty good job of spreading diseases too. Let’s get back to ridding yourself of a roach infestation. Some say they have […]
Advion Ant Bait Gel – User Reviews And Feedback
Most of the time, we tend to ignore ants and let them be on their way. However, if left unchecked, these insects can be a real pest. There’s nothing more undesirable than to see thousands of house ants crawling along the kitchen countertops. So, will Advion Ant Bait Gel solve your problems? Sure, you can […]
How to Get Rid of Cockroaches
Out of all the critters that can invade your home, perhaps the most dreaded is the roach. These beetles are fast, hard to kill, and get into everything. So what can you do to get rid of them? Identifying An Infestation While most people first become aware of a cockroach problem when one runs in […]
Getting Rid Of Pharaoh Ants: Things You Should Know
Pharaoh ants also known as Monomorium Pharaonisare, small light red insects with black markings on their abdomen. They resemble Thief ants, but they have a lighter shade to them. These particular ants are more yellowish than reddish. They are a different ant species from carpenter ants. Monomorium Pharaonisare will create what is called a colony of pharaoh ants. […]
Carpenter Ant Infestation: What You Need to Know
If you live in or spend much time outdoors near a wooded area, there’s a good chance you’ve seen carpenter ants. They’re common and can be found inhabiting many types of wooded areas. These ants are small, black insects that look like miniature versions of a rafter. They nest in wood by creating tunnels with […]