If there’s one pest that deserves the “Most Hated Pest” award, it would be the cockroach. The main reason being that it is very difficult to get rid of.
Oh, and it does a pretty good job of spreading diseases too.
Let’s get back to ridding yourself of a roach infestation. Some say they have found a remedy to get rid of this stubborn pest out of their home. It’s called Advion Cockroach Gel Bait. And tens of thousands swear by it.
But could this remedy be all they say it is? Or is it just some hype from those who don’t understand the infestation you are combating. Well, let’s review this so-called miracle cure called Advion Cockroach Gel Bait. Perhaps there is something to all the hype around it.
But before we go down that road, perhaps it will be wise to understand what you are up against. After all, they do say knowledge is power.
So, let’s take a closer look at the roach and see why it’s so difficult to get rid of, especially the American cockroach, one of the largest and most prevalent roaches in many homes.
Understanding the Loathsome Roach
Cockroaches are the most primitive of insects, dating back to some 320 million years ago. And in all that time, they haven’t changed much – except for growing larger.
The reason roaches haven’t really changed is because they are a hardy insect that can survive in many harsh conditions. This is probably the only insect you will find from the Arctic to the Sahara and all climates in between.
But don’t think that all cockroaches spanning the globe are the same though. There are over 4,600 species of cockroaches on the planet. However, out of all those, only 30 species have adapted to living among humans. Although 30 out of 4,600 may seem like an insignificant percentage, those 30 species are wreaking havoc wherever they choose to live.
So, besides being able to withstand extreme temperatures, does the roach have any other superpowers? Let’s find out, shall we?
Roaches Can Eat Anything
You may not consider it a superpower, but it is one of the reasons the roach is such a good survivor – it eats almost anything.
That’s right. From meat to cheese to toenails to cardboard and even fellow roaches, this critter eats it all.
This diverse diet is the reason roaches are hard to kill as they can even eat substances that would otherwise be lethal to other insects.
Which brings us to the next superpower that makes it difficult to get rid of roaches.
Roaches Can Adapt to Poison
The American cockroach is equipped with some powerful genes called cytochrome p450s. These genes help the roach withstand poisonous chemicals and go as far as coding for detoxification enzymes. Once those enzymes are coded into the cockroach’s system, the roach won’t be affected by that particular poison anymore.
And that’s why people get hyped up when they find solutions that really work, like Advion Cockroach Gel Bait. More on that later, let’s continue dissecting the roach so as to find out why other solutions work while others don’t just cut it anymore.
Roaches Have a Super Advanced Immune System
If you have ever wondered how cockroaches manage to live in the most unsanitary of places, this is the answer. Cockroaches have a super-strong immune system. Their immune system is so advanced it can seek out and destroy harmful microbes and fungi. This makes it possible for cockroaches to make their home in the dirtiest of places.
Reproduction – Very Fast
Another factor that makes it difficult to control cockroaches is that they multiply very fast. For instance, you’ve probably seen a cockroach moving around with an egg, right? Well, that “egg” is actually a sack that contains approximately 50 more eggs. And considering that a cockroach can lay 6 of these in a year, coupled to the fact that its offspring will probably do the same in a year, it means one cockroach can turn into 300,000 roaches in a single year.
With a formidable foe like this, how can anyone have any hope of victory?
Well, there is hope, and that in more places than one. But for now, let’s check out one of the most effective chemical weapons against roaches.
The Advion Cockroach Gel Bait Review – Hope When All Is Lost
So, what is this Advion cockroach gel bait that everyone is raving on about? In a nutshell, it’s the beginning of roach Armageddon in your house. On a serious note though, let’s take a closer look at it, shall we?
What Is Advion Cockroach Gel Bait?
Advion cockroach gel bait, as the name suggests, is a gel that is designed to attract roaches. It can be purchased in tube form or as a small bait station with a gel in it.
The active ingredient in Advion is Indoxacarb (about 0.5%), a pesticide that was developed by DuPont. Indoxacarb was a breakthrough in the fight against roaches as it seemed very effective in wiping out large cockroach colonies.
Why Is Advion Cockroach Gel Bait So Effective?
The Advion gel, apart from containing Indoxacarb, also contains a bait that most cockroach types can’t resist. Once a cockroach ingests this potent combination, it’s game over for the entire colony.
How? This is the beauty of Indoxacarb. It doesn’t kill right away but turns the roach into a ticking time bomb. The short delay before the poison goes to work is what makes Advion so powerful and effective. This is because the delay will allow the contaminated roach to reach its nest, where it will die. And roaches being roaches, the others will see their dead friend as a ready meal. And because Indoxacarb remains active even after ingestion, the other roaches will contaminate themselves by eating their comrade. This sparks a massive chain reaction that will ultimately affect the whole colony.
Once the contaminated roach reaches the nest, it doesn’t matter whether the others cannibalize it or not. They can still get contaminated through the affected cockroaches feces or plain physical contact. In short, once one roach eats the Advion cockroach gel bait, that’s the end of the entire colony. This is why this particular solution is so effective, even to the point of being called a miracle remedy.
For Best Results, Use Advion Cockroach Gel Bait Correctly
They say a worker is only as effective as his tools. But the tools without right application also become ineffective. That is why some people have given negative reviews of Advion cockroach gel bait – they did not use it correctly. So how is it to be used?
The first step in effectively using this miracle cure is to study where your unwanted and uninvited guests like to hang out. This will help you to place the bait in the right places. After all, it doesn’t make sense to place the bait in the bathroom if roaches rarely go there. This is the biggest mistake many make.
So, what are the most effective places to place your bait? While I may not be psychic, I do have an idea of where the roaches in your house are likely to hang out, so here are some tips on where to apply the Advion cockroach gel bait:
- Around appliances. This is because cracks and crevices in appliances make a good hiding place for roaches, especially the ones that generate heat.
- Inside cabinets. Cockroaches love the dark, and cabinets provide that dark environment they love.
- Underneath sinks.
- Along baseboards. Again, these cracks make the perfect hiding spot for roaches. They also provide a gateway into the wall.
- Near sockets. Cockroaches love hiding in and making their nests inside sockets.
- Around trash cans.
It is also important that you do everything in your power to prevent them from coming into your house by closing off all entry points. With all entry points closed to ensure that no new colonies come into your house, you can start seeing the results of the Advion cockroach gel bait in as little as a week depending on how large of a colony has made your home their breeding and feeding ground.
A Few Things to Note When Ridding Your House of Roaches Using Advion Cockroach Gel Bait
A few tips are in order if you are to successfully eliminate the roach infestation in your home using Advion cockroach gel bait.
The first thing is that no matter the intensity of the infestation, don’t use Advion with contact killers, such as sprays, or other methods that stop a roach dead in its tracks. Remember, the power of Advion lies in the fact that it causes a massive chain reaction of contamination in the cockroaches’ nest. By using contact sprays, or by squashing the cockroach, you prevent it from being your secret weapon against other roaches as it will not make it back to camp.
Secondly, you can use other slow-acting agents like boric acid in conjunction with Advion cockroach gel bait. This is because boric acid has the same effect as Indoxacarb. It acts slowly and contaminates the other roaches as well. This doubles your chances of getting rid of the entire roach colony. However, if you want to use Advion on its own, it is still very effective and will more than likely get the job done.
Thirdly, make sure to remove food sources away from the bait so as to increase the chances of the cockroaches eating the bait. Don’t leave them with an alternative.
The last thing you’ll have to be careful to do is to monitor your bait regularly. This will not only allow you to see how effective it is but will also enable you to put more bait where the roaches would have finished it.
While doing your rounds, don’t mind the fact that some of the bait would have hardened, they will still manage to eat it. However, any bait untouched after about a month should be removed and discarded as it would have lost some of its potency.
Advion Cockroach Gel Bait – Safety First
As much as you are fed up with the roach colony that is about to take over your home, it is important that you take safety measures as you use it. After all, safety always comes first.
While Advion cockroach gel bait is safe to use around the house, make sure not to store or apply it where it can be accessible to children and pets. Despite the recommended doses of the gel containing amounts of the active ingredient that are not harmful, it is best to avoid ingestion. This means keeping it away from direct contact with your food as well.
Other than that, Advion cockroach gel bait is the most home-friendly solution there is to cockroach infestations.
It’s Time to Reclaim Your House
With Advion cockroach gel bait, you have the power to turn the tables on the roach colony that has thus far been successful in taking over your house. This product is so effective it is actually used by professional exterminators.
So go ahead and get yourself the Advion cockroach gel bait. It’s one of the best solutions that will help you reclaim your house without putting you and your family at risk.
Customer Reviews from Amazon and & Home Depot:
Amazon Review: “After trying multiple products, the Advion Cockroach Gel Bait is the only one that completely eradicated my roach problem within a week. Highly recommend!” – Christina Dixon
Home Depot Review: “I was skeptical at first, but this gel bait exceeded my expectations. Easy to apply and very effective in just a few days.” – Diante Clark