The ugliest, creepiest, most disgusting creatures on Earth (for some), cockroaches endure almost anything we repel them with and come back asking for more. Today we will try to figure out whether cockroach foggers and bombs work as advertised.
Get Rid of Cockroaches Before Dylan Hunt Tries to Save Them
Cockroaches are difficult to get rid of, and the pesky pests may require more than one treatment to completely eradicate. It can take a long time to get rid of roaches, especially if you have an infestation, so you may need some patience to rid your home of these extremely hardy creatures.
The question is, how do you effectively eliminate cockroaches? Should you use sprays and insecticides, or are foggers and bombs a good way to get rid of your cockroach problem? Let’s get to the bottom of what makes these bugs go away for good.
Do Cockroach Foggers and Bombs Work for Real?
Photo Credit: Consumer Health Day
When it comes to getting rid of cockroaches, foggers and bombs aren’t really the best solution.
The reason is simple.
- Foggers may kill cockroaches that are out and about, but since cockroaches tend to hide in dark places and crevices, bombs won’t reach into these spots to penetrate the cockroaches nest, killing all of the pests.
Studies have shown that cockroaches may be immune to the active ingredients in foggers and bombs, which means you may not kill any cockroaches this way.
In fact, roaches are resistant to many types of insecticides and pesticides, which definitely presents a problem when trying to rid yourself of these bugs.
- Also, setting off bombs can be harmful to people and to furniture;
- It is best to avoid that approach altogether in favor of more appropriate roach control.
- Roach bombs can also be flammable, so letting these off in your home can be a risk.
- Since the bombs don’t work that well anyway to kill roaches, it’s recommended to not use them at all.
How Do I Get Rid of Cockroaches?
There are a couple of ways to get rid of cockroaches and make sure they never come back. You can use chemical means or more natural means to kill the bugs.
- Setting out cockroach baits and traps, which contain insecticides, can be an effective way to kill them.
- Similarly, you can put the baits wherever you see the bugs to entice them. This may not work immediately, but it is proven to be an effective cockroach treatment. It could take several weeks to see results, though.
There are two other types of pesticides you can use to eliminate roaches.
One is a gel you can squeeze into the cracks and crevices where cockroaches like to hide. Another is a traditional spray pesticide.
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The Disadvantage of Using Pesticides
- The downside to using these is that you have to be careful around children and animals when you use them.
- You may need more than one application of the pesticides to completely remove roaches from your home.
- It could also get costly, though you may see results after a couple of weeks.
Indoor vs. Outdoor Solutions
- If you’re hesitant to spray the chemicals inside your home, use the gel or the baits inside.
- Use pesticide spray outside at entry points where cockroaches could get inside, such as around your air vent, any cracks, doors, windows, and baseboards.
A Natural Approach to Getting Rid of Cockroaches
Finally, taking a natural approach to killing cockroaches may not seem likely, but there are some tried and true methods you could consider. They are worth a shot if you’d like to avoid chemicals if possible.
Boric Acid
We have discussed boric acid in relationship with insect removal. Therefore, it should not come as a surpise that one of the most popular natural methods of killing roaches involves mixing borax and sugar.
- Use three parts of borax to one part of sugar to make homemade baits.
- The sugar lures the roaches, and the borax kills them.
This is a widely effective treatment, and inexpensive, which makes it even more appealing.
- Mixing boric acid with flour and sugar could also prove effective.
- You can also try baking soda or diatomaceous earth if you don’t have borax or boric acid handy.
There are many household items that are used to deter and kill roaches without using harmful, dangerous chemicals. However, borax and boric acid should be kept safely away from pets and children.
Avoiding Future Infestations
Once you get rid of your roaches, you may relax and think the worst is over. That may be true, but once you have roaches, they could always come back. Don’t let this happen. Instead, prepare your home for future roaches, and make it more difficult for your house to host the pesky pests.
- For starters, you’ll need to check all of your doors and windows for cracks where roaches can find entry.
- Use caulk to seal up any crevices to block their way inside your home.
- Keep baits and traps handy where you’ve seen roaches before. It doesn’t hurt to keep these out to deter roaches.
- One of the most important things to remember is that roaches love food and easy access to it. Make it hard for them to get a meal by keeping your kitchen spotless.
- Keep dishes clean and put away, don’t leave food out on the counters, and seal up any dog or cat food in plastic containers with airtight lids.
- Keep trash cans clean and trash taken out regularly, and make sure you sweep and vacuum any food crumbs from the floors regularly.
Keeping your home sealed up and your kitchen clean will make it hard for roaches to get inside and find a food source. Check regularly for more roaches, and act quickly if you see any to get rid of them before another infestation occurs.
Summing Up the Conversation About Cockroach Foggers and Bombs
They work only in limited cases. They do no get rid you of an infestation. Moreover, they can be toxic to people and pets. They are highly flammable and can even coat the surfaces in the house.
There are some tried and tested methods to remove cockroaches:
1. Boric acid and sugar;
2. Baking soda
3. Diatomaceous earth
1. Keep the house pristine at all times.
2. Seal all cracks and fix all leaks.
3. Keep bait at hand for immediate repelling.
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